Sunday, July 20, 2014

dancing & swimming & walking (& Worcester)

Last Friday -- ages ago, now! -- we went to the Providence Shanty Sing with Sharks Come Cruisin'; we all sang along, and Madeline spent the whole evening dancing in a circle with friend Lily (whose parents are in the band).

That Saturday, Madeline displayed her unique sense of style ...

... and we met up with Geoff for lunch and then the EcoTarium!

(That picture is Oliver and Geoff poking their heads up into a sort of terrarium, and Oliver is wearing his most giant smile.)

Oliver admired the Dilophosaurus model (fun fact: Dilophosaurus may well be responsible for some of the Jurassic-era footprints that make up most of New England's dinosaurian fossil record, as I've mentioned  here before).

After the EcoTarium and a deeply rewarding stop by Worcester's own Wholly Cannoli, we returned home.

Our next big outing was a trip to the neighborhood pool.

Everyone got ready ...

... and we enjoyed it so much that we've made good use of our season family pass since.

One day, Madeline asked if she could listen to The Sorceror's Apprentice while reading along and eating cereal.  We obliged.

Meanwhile, Oliver has been up to his usual shenanigans: smiling a lot ...

... and driving his car with an open container -- oh Oliver, how many times do we have to tell you?

But Oliver's 11 months old now, free to make choices for himself.

Like:  Should I surf on the chair?  Yes!

And now that we're past the 14th too, Madeline's just a hair away from three and a half.

Her passions these days are wearing dresses (she also enjoys accessorizing with sunglasses and a trout), writing letters (which is why she can often be seen carrying a notebook) ...

... and finding rocks, sticks, and bugs outside.

Oliver's passion is walking everywhere!

He particularly likes carrying things -- preferably large, cumbersome or heavy things.  He sneaks into the bathroom so he can carry around our scale.  And he loves climbing up steps if we look away for just a second or two.

This weekend, given all our wanderings of late, we decided to stay close to home.  Yesterday, we walked to the library, to Crugnale Bakery for a delicious and shockingly inexpensive lunch (plus some pizza dough) ...

... and to Benny's for some water wings for Madeline.  Then that afternoon, when Kristin came over to swim with us, the pool people wouldn't let her wear them!  After an initial period of shock, Madeline recovered and had lots of fun swimming (as did the rest of us).

Then while I grilled some chicken, Oliver alternatively carried and kicked this soccer ball around our back yard -- large and cumbersome, but not too heavy.

He's also quite enthusiastically been learning the mechanics of drinking from a cup.

Today, just Madeline and I swam during Oliver's afternoon nap.  She needed a brief period of zone-out time afterward.

And that was that!

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