Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sick week, happy weekend

You already know that Oliver finished out last week sick.

He started out this past week seemingly feeling better ...

... but still had a rough enough day Monday that they called to let us know about his acting out of character.

Then on Tuesday daycare called again -- this time about Madeline.  Despite behaving like a well child, Madeline turned out to have a fever.  She was sent home and had to be out Wednesday too.

On Wednesday, I kept both kids home.  The day was rainy and even involved some impressive thunder and lightening.  So we stayed in and watched Frozen.  Twice.

Madeline played nicely for part of the day ...

... but later her fever returned, and with it came some crankiness.

Another day with a fever meant another day home from daycare Thursday.  This time, Summer wrangled the kids.  Like me, she got help from Frozen.

She also gave the kids healthy snacks ...

... and, since Madeline proved to be feeling better, they did a project too!

After gathering rocks in the yard, Summer and Madeline washed the rocks, cooked them in the oven, and then colored on them with crayons.  The result was lovely:

On Friday, everyone was well again.

Saturday morning, we went to the farmers market.  On the way home, we stopped by the Save the Bay center to look for seals.  As usual, we didn't find any.  We did spot this nice-looking snail, though.

Madeline liked the snail.

In fact, she really liked it.

Then Saturday afternoon, we spent some time at the library and came away with quite a haul.

Later, Oliver helped with the dishes.

Madeline helped too.

For dinner, I cooked up a bunch of good stuff we got at the farmers market: littleneck clams, chorizo, kale, and olive bread to soak up the briny broth.  Yum!  We think these might have been Oliver's first clams.

We spent most of today at Ilan's house.

Oliver has been working hard to stand in short spells recently.  This afternoon, Summer finally got a shot of it.  You can see how seriously Oliver takes his work.

All in all, after a week full of sickness, we had a nice weekend.

We even polished it off with another farmers market meal -- skate wings crusted with Old Bay-seasoned bread crumbs -- yum again!

Bonus:  Here's a video of Oliver doing assisted walking with the cart we gave Madeline for her first birthday!

And here's Madeline singing two verses of "Do you want to build a snowman?" from Frozen. The video was shot with cinematographical assistance from Petey the cat.

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