Today's big project was reupholstering the dining room chairs Nory's destroyed. As I took apart the first one, Madeline wanted to help.

As fascinating as she found the tools and dismantled chair, she was somewhat prone to distraction.

And occasionally she moved from distraction to apparent boredom, picking up some light reading as Summer and I did this and that.

We ended up visiting another nearby
strip-mall-land for some fabric and other useful items. The excursion took over four hours -- including, as it did, dinner and a stop by Trader Joe's.
We also squeezed in a grandparental (and avuncular) skype on each end of our retail adventure.
Through it all, Madeline was (mostly) happy and agreeable if also quite energetic. By the end, though, she was steadily squeal-screaming -- a sort of not unhappy, incredibly high-pitched sound she seems to have picked up in daycare. So after all that stimulation -- imagine being a baby in a fabric store full of interesting colors, patterns, and textures! -- Madeline was ready for bed on the early side.

She didn't get to see the finished product, presented as a before-and-after photo.

Today's busyness only ended up allowing for one reupholstered chair, but that seemed to turn out quite nicely. Hopefully Madeline will approve in the morning.
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