A typical Wednesday, today began with Madeline's love of kitties.

And continued with Madeline's displaying particular determination to crawl.

Daycare dropoff was uneventful as usual, and pickup's only peculiarity was a second consecutive day of outfit-changes necessitated by diaper blowouts.
Summer and Madeline met me on the sidewalk on my way home from the bus, and after regrouping we went to the farmers market -- another typical Wednesday activity. After visiting our usual vendors -- thanking Pat for Saturday's tour and ascertaining that a visit to Wishing Stone likely lies in our future -- we settled as usual in the grass. Madeline did a great job sitting.

And she displayed such keen interest in Summer's dinner scone that we couldn't help but indulge a little gnawing.

The more she gnawed, the more Madeline seemed intrigued by the scone. She didn't really eat any, but certainly got to know it quite well.
Then it was time to take advantage of the grass's good traction and practice crawling some more. I joined in the fun.

Madeline twice got up on all fours, hips and torso off the ground, without face-planting. Mostly, though, she determinedly did torso-pushups, building strength for her inevitable and ever-nearer mobility.

In all, she seemed to have fun at the park.

And then it was home and to bed.
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