Today was cyclical. The cycle went like this:
- Awake and happy!
- Snack then babbling and flopping.
- Getting a little antsy -- tummy time! Fun!

- Push up and excitedly turn in circles!

- Tire of turning in circles and ending up in old drool puddles; accept toy offering for a 15-second gnaw, then violently discard.
- Tolerate only standing or being held.
- Yell.
- Rub eyes and stick out tongue.
- Take bottle for 15-second mad gulp, then ignore it.
- Yell.
- Loudly and vehemently reject swing, crib, most positions of being held, and anything other than a very particular holding position, different each time.
- Long nap on dad.
Summer came home just as we had closed out the loud-and-vehement-rejection phase of one such cycle. Madeline appreciated her maternal presence.
Which one....the sitter or Madeline? What cute can see the drool in the first one. And look how much higher she is holding herself! Not all babies crawl the "usual" way. I was reading my baby book and had never really noticed that my method was to throw myself forward and hitch myself up. Cousin Leslie favored the side-ways crab crawl. I am sure she will get just where she wants to go in a very short time! And then, won't she keep you busy! xoxo N