Wednesday, June 15, 2011


After her wild night at the bar, Madeline needed to sleep in this morning. Luckily she didn't sleep too late because it was a beautiful day here in Providence. She even did some tummy time in the yard while Max watered our container garden. Here she is contemplating the larger questions in life (probably along the lines of, "what is that? and what is that? and what is that?"):

In the afternoon we met up with two moms from our prenatal group and their babies. It is so fun watching the babies getting older and starting to interact! We took a nice walk around lovely Pawtuxet Village ("It was here in 1772 where Rhode Island patriots took the first organized military action towards independence by attacking and burning the hated British revenue schooner, HMS Gaspee. This was 'America's First Blow for Freedom' that led directly to the establishment of permanent Committees of Correspondence, unifying the individual colonies, and starting the process of the American Revolution.").

We (well the moms) got yummy ice cream at Dear Hearts during the walk. Madeline had to settle for chewing the straps of the Ergo.

Here is the very pretty Pawtuxet River:

And we stopped by Stillhouse Cove:

Looking across the cove we could see the clinic where we all got our prenatal care. The babies got a chance to eat and "play" (lie) in the grass together. I have some super cute pictures of the moms and babies, but I will have to ask the moms' permission before posting them here!

After the fun mom/baby adventure, Madeline and I drove home (we did not stop by a strip club this time). We picked up Max for a quick trip to the Wednesday farmers market. Madeline was a little out of sorts this evening--oscillating between fussing and big smiles. But she went to bed really easily so perhaps she was just tired.

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