Thursday, August 24, 2017

Celebrating Petey

I've been working on some blog posts to catch us up -- there are six posts just about ready to go -- but tonight a special post is in order.  That's because this evening our beloved Petey left us to lap up milk from the great unattended grown-up cup in the sky.

Petey joined us in early September 2005 and quickly proved to be a big personality.

Deeply social and affectionate, he delighted in the attention of guests.

And when our family grew, he rolled with it.

Petey quickly became one of baby Madeline's best friends.

He motivated her ...

... and delighted her ...

... and motivated her some more.

She loved him dearly.

And he not only tolerated her ...

... but loved her back.

When Oliver joined us, Petey rolled with that new addition too.

And even after his renal-failure crash in 2014 ...

... he not only loved the kiddos ...

... but even continued to seek them out.

Of course, Oliver grew to love Petey too.

(He even emulated him at times.)

Eventually, Petey transitioned from motivator to muse for Madeline.

When she wasn't drawing Petey, she was loving him.

Sometimes it seemed like Petey was tolerating the kiddos more than anything, but other times he was plainly basking in their presence.

He was a good friend.

As he grew older, Petey slowed down ...

... but as his energy waned, he remained highly inspirational ...

... and beloved ...

... (and tolerant).

Madeline, Oliver, and Petey made quite a threesome.

About two weeks ago, Petey took ill again, though we weren't sure whether it was serious.  He had new medications added to his three-year-long nightly routine of subcutaneous fluids delivered by a needle to his scruff and oral medication delivered by syringe.  He seemed to recover, then he began declining again.

Petey spent the nights of his final weeks cuddled with his special friends.

This evening, Petey fell into his final decline.

The family gathered to say our goodbyes ...

... and I was privileged to stay with him to the very end.

Petey was an integral part of our family for twelve years, supporting Summer and me through our transition to Providence, then grad school, law school, jobs, pregnancies, and innumerable stresses, always with unconditional affection and ready purrs.  He was a constant companion to our children, seeking their attention, giving them love, and tolerating -- even seeming to enjoy -- their exuberance.

He was a special cat, and he will be deeply missed.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Petey. What a special cat. This is a beautifully written tribute to him. -Lauren R

  2. I am in tears at your tribute to Petey. He was a dear boy and I have been wondering how the children have been dealing with their loss of such a special friend. I am so glad that you were with him during these last days and months and years of his illness. He basked in all your love and attention and I, especially, enjoyed the fact that I finally had a family cat that let me share time with him. This was a most special post and truly shows what a mutual blessing you all were to each other. Lucky kitty, lucky you all. Much Love N

  3. Love and hugs to you were a great family for Petey and he was an integral family member and will be very missed.

  4. Aw hi Max. What a lovely tribute to Petey. I'm really sorry. But he sure was the energizer bunny of kitties!! Hugs to you all! xo
