Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Start of March

The start of March featured life as usual.

Oliver has really taken to painting.

The kiddos love cuddling up with Petey and watching shows.

There was one special occasion in early March: we met up with Geoff at the Worcester Art Museum and saw artwork (including an Ed Emberley exhibit), an arms-and-armor demonstration, and a neat ancient mosaic.

Plus it was nice just to hang out.

Then it was back to the usual, like drawing and reading books.

One day we went to see Moana -- Oliver's first movie at a theater!  But Madeline got terrifically frightened at the opening scene and begged to leave, so she and I spent the length of the movie at Burlington Coat Factory, where she picked out suits for her and Oliver.

Another day we went to North Kingstown Town Beach.  The tide was very low so we climbed up on this big rock.

But it was very cold so we didn't stay out long!

One of Madeline's teachers from art camp last year babysat and turned the kiddos on to stop motion.  They now devote hours at a time to constructing setups and characters and filming one- to ten-second-long videos.

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