Monday, April 18, 2016

Warm, sunny Sunday

Yesterday, we spent a warm, sunny Sunday outside.  First, in the woods:

We saw a wild turkey strutting by! Then Lea made this house for all the kids.

Later, we found a snake.

And, as I looked for salamanders, Oliver went fishing.

Then the kiddos gathered together to throw leaves into the water.

Yesterday afternoon as Oliver napped, Madeline and I had a more laid-back time in the back yard.

Then we ventured up to Providence for a post-nap rendezvous with Benji!  We played on the playground, got delicious ice cream from Three Sisters, and then the kiddos raced around and around in the park's dormant fountain.



The snow cleared up, and we were excited for spring!

By the weekend, the circumstances were even right for our community garden's spring kickoff!

We weeded communal areas and spread compost in our plot while the kiddos played on the playground.  There were chickens and music and food trucks and friends.

And later, we were joined by more friends.

Eventually we ate a delicious lunch from Mama Kim's at our garden's picnic table.

But we weren't done yet!  Over on Brown's campus, there was a Robot Block Party.  One of Madeline's teachers is a robotics coach for the school, and Madeline was very excited to see him there.  The kids were also excited to see the robots!

The next day, we had a lazy morning.  Eventually, we walked to the Time Capsule, where Madeline wanted to spend some of her allowance on a stuffed animal, a My Little Pony comic book, and a couple of matchbox cars for Oliver.

Then Madeline spent her afternoon working on projects for her family -- here's her birthday card for Uncle Matt!

Within the last week, Madeline figured out that she can pick up Petey.  Now it's all she wants to do (that and make art ... and hunt for bugs ... and climb on rocks).

For his part, Oliver remains jolly.

Saturday morning, we met up with Geoff and Kate at Purgatory Chasm.  We clambered over rocks ...

... and generally had a good time.

Saturday afternoon, I did yard work and Madeline hunted for bugs while Oliver napped.  It was only natural, then, that while Madeline and I were ready for some relaxation late Saturday afternoon, Oliver was just gearing up.

(Get it?! He's holding a wrench.)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Visits from Marc and Sweetie Pie

We started off April with two visits: one from Madeline's class hamster Sweetie Pie ...

... and one from Uncle Marc!

Sweetie Pie and Uncle Marc picked a cold, rainy weekend to visit.  So our activities included things like visiting the Lego store at the mall for special kits, making the kits (see above), and going out for beer and barbecue at Brutopia (also see above).

Uncle Marc brought special gifts for the kiddos:

On Sunday morning, we went duckpin bowling.

Oliver got help from the dinosaur ...

... while Uncle Marc displayed his winning form.

Petey took a keen interest in Sweetie Pie, so Madeline built him a block fortress.

For dinner, we had clams.


On Monday morning, the kiddos said goodbye to Uncle Marc ...

... and headed out into an unexpectedly snowy April morning.