Saturday, August 9, 2014

Neighborhood, mini-reunion, Sand Hill Cove

We spent last Saturday in the neighborhood.  First the library:

Then the bakery:

And in the evening, Madeline used the $10 Grandma Mandy sent her for her potty prowess to purchase a round of fast-food ice cream for the family.

On Sunday, we traveled down to East Lyme, Connecticut so Oliver could hang out with baby Emily ...

... and we could have a Carleton mini-reunion with Lauren, Dan, and Taylor!

After getting lunch, we let the kiddos romp at the Children's Museum of Southeast Connecticut until they crashed.

Back home, Madeline helped Summer make delicious, delicious ice cream.  Oliver and I helped eat it.

During the week, everything proceeded more or less as usual.

One night, Summer made chocolate ice cream -- yum.

Also Oliver got his first pair of real shoes.

Last night, we attended another fun Shanty Sing.  Again there was much dancing, percussing, and merriment -- no pictures, though.

This morning, Madeline and Oliver played with airplanes.

Then we went to Sand Hill Cove.

Oliver very much took to the beach!

And the kiddos continued to play nicely together (for the most part).

Down by the water, Madeline was intrigued by a sand crab.

She especially enjoyed watching it dig into the ground.

In fact, both kids enjoyed being near the water today ...

... and actually going in, too.  The camera didn't go in with us, but both kids spent a bit of time with their bodies submerged -- and loved it.  Madeline even blew some bubbles.

After swimming came more playing nicely together in the sand.

What a lovely day.

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