Thursday, August 28, 2014

Oliver is one! [2 of 2]

One year ago, our little Beetle was born, smiling from the get-go.

One month:

Two months:

Three months:

Four months:

Five months:

Six months:

Seven months:

Eight months:

Nine months:

Ten months:

Eleven months:

And now, one year later:

Now that Oliver is one, he is quite the big kid.  His favorite activity is climbing -- the stairs, stools, chairs, tables, you name it.  He can say mama, dada, [ba]nana, ball, this (usually asserted as a question, while pointing to something), hi, bye bye, and cat.  He is incredibly jolly and loves waving at people, smiling at people, and laughing.  He also enjoys percussion (playing with instruments, banging on tables, matching rhythms tapped out by other people), running (he decided walking is too slow for him) and playing with balls -- he enthusiastically carries, throws, and kicks balls around the yard, even dribbling a soccer ball.  He also adores his big sister and tries his best to emulate her whenever possible -- lately that's meant picking up pieces of sidewalk chalk and making marks on the back patio pavement, and trying to undo the velcro on his shoes.  If anyone who knows him were to select one word to describe him, I think it would be joyful.

Fittingly, then, Oliver had a fun birthday!

In the morning, he played outside.

So did Madeline ...

... who has gotten quite adept at drawing people.

Madeline also helped make Oliver's cake.

After a brief spell indoors ...

... there was more playing outside ...

... and more drawing people (and dinosaur playing too!).

Then it was time for cake!

Oliver enjoyed his cake.

He really ...

... really ...

... REALLY enjoyed it.

Meanwhile, Madeline had a balloon fight with Grandpa Paul.

Then it was time for presents.

Oliver seemed to like both the present-opening experience and all the fun stuff he got!

After gifts, we headed over to Meshanticut Park for a leisurely stroll.

What a lovely day for turning one!

[Note: This post gets us to 11 days ago.  I still have at least 2 and possibly 3 more posts to prepare to get caught up. Thank you for your patience!]

Mid-August (Post 1 of 2)

What seems like many weeks ago, we met up with Madeline's friends Holden and Lily at Casimir Pulaski Memorial State Park to chill out on a freshwater beach and munch on Rhode Island-style party pizza. Good times were had by all.

Then on Victory Day -- a Rhode Island holiday -- we took Madeline and Oliver to the zoo. The kids pretended they were butterflies ...

... admired the giraffes ...

... petted the goats ...

... and, again, generally had a good time.

Afterward, Madeline watered our garden.

Later in the week, Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Paul arrived from Oregon, and Uncle Marc came in from Dublin!

Madeline wanted to write a birthday card for Oliver.

If you look carefully and think creatively, you can find all the letters in "Happy birthday Oliver - Madeline" in the card:

Over the weekend, Great Uncle Marc and Aunt Lucy came up from Maryland.  We went to the Temple of Music in Roger Williams Park.

Then we wandered around to see what else the park had to offer.

Afterward, there was reading at home ...

... and lunch on the patio.

That night, Marc and Lucy treated us to a lovely dinner at Cranston landmark Twin Oaks.  Then the next day ...

... Oliver turned one!

[To be continued...]