Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My moose is from New Hampshire!

Last week, Madeline turned 37 months old.

And my composter -- the fruits of a birthday gift certificate -- arrived on our doorstep.

Oliver was happy about this.

Madeline thought the whole thing was a lot of fun.

Now in addition to playing with Duplos ...

... she also loves feeding the composter.

For his part, Oliver loves pretty much everything (except, so far, for avocado!).

It's been so sunny over the last week that even on cold days we feel the need to spend some time outside ...

... even if it does mean bundling up.

From all this playing outside, Madeline has rediscovered her "house" between trees in the hedge.

Earlier this week, Oliver turned 7 months old.  He is a very active and very strong 7-month-old.  He can now crawl from the kitchen through the family room into the bathroom and back again -- all on his hands and FEET, not knees.  He is a little bear.

And he loves his sister.

And his sister loves him.

The other day, Summer brought home some plush statistical distributions, with which Madeline has become quite taken.

She's even more excited, though, by her letters.  Yesterday she asked Summer, "How do you spell 'Coocha?'" -- one of her nicknames, or loving terms, or perhaps more accurately exclamations for Oliver.  Summer suggested she start with "C," and she did!  Two "O"s followed.  I believe this picture shows her attempt at a second "C."  At "H" she claimed to be stumped.

Finally, Madeline is also learning -- at her own insistence -- a song that lists the states in alphabetical order.  I'd say she reliably hits at least 40 of them now.  She pauses sometimes to exclaim over certain states: "I like Massachusetts!" "My moose is from New Hampshire!" "I like Pennsylvania too.  I like Pennsylvania and Massachusetts!"


  1. Adorable! PP kept exclaiming about how bright M is while reading/looking at these pictures...and, she is. I like the composter; I am a real fan of them. Hope you feel all the "hugs" coming your way as we think of you all throughout the days. Remember how you used to read tires? I can still hear my Mother being amazed at what you could do.
    Much Love,

  2. Please especially like Delaware and Oregon, Ms. Maddie, because those two states are full of folks who love you and Oliver and Mommy and Daddy so very much:-) I am glad you like Massachusetts now. I remember a tiny baby girl who didn't seem very fond of being in her infant car seat when her folks were driving on Massachusetts roads. And you probably know that Mommy is not too fond of a certain highway in Connecticut....
