Monday, February 17, 2014

Three years old, six months old!

Sometimes Madeline looks like she's already sixteen.

Perhaps this is because she's now THREE!

... and full of personality.

(She asked for her brother to join her in the photo chair.)

For her birthday dinner, Madeline asked for Chinese food -- specifically, chicken, rice, and noodles.  We obliged.  Then came presents...

... (including maracas!) ...

... and cupcakes!

On Saturday, we finally visited Rhode Island Audubon's Environmental Education Center in Bristol, making a necessary excursion before the snow hit.

(Of course there was still snow on the ground from previous dumpings.)

Back inside, a kind volunteer helped Madeline hold a sea star and this hermit crab.

She loved it!

All this snow has kept us home more than we might like.  Madeline has resorted to sticking stickers to her brother.

Speaking of Oliver, he got his first tastes of solid food yesterday.  In the morning were pancakes.


For Madeline, indoor play now means playing with birthday presents -- following along in the "spooky book" while playing the accompanying cd in her new cd player, assembling then disassembling then reassembling her giant dinosaur puzzle, shaking her maracas -- and, of course, playing with Duplos.

Oliver enjoys watching her -- and trying to steal her toys too.

Then the kiddos play together.

Yesterday afternoon, Oliver tried banana and found that both tasty and squishy.

Also yesterday I reassembled Madeline's old crib for Oliver and rearranged the kiddos' bedroom.  Coming up to check it out, Oliver noticed the ceiling fan for the first time.  He was truly captivated.

And today, he turned six months old!

He tried an inaugural nap in the newly prepared crib.

And, home from school for the holiday, the kiddos played some more.

1 comment:

  1. Per usual ... we love the pictures and check them out several times a day. What fun to see Oliver with "real" food; looks like he caught on fast. Also especially enjoyed Madeline at the touch pool exhibit. Thank you for the treats.
    xo N
