Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snow & cookies & snow

Last week, Oliver was happy like usual.

We had our first snow accumulation on Tuesday.

And Oliver was happy some more.

And some more.

Yesterday, Madeline turned 34 months old.

We spent the morning grocery shopping and the afternoon making cookies to be distributed to various recipients.

Madeline tried her hand at rolling out gingerbread dough.

She quite successfully used cookie cutters, and was even able to lift the cutters and prise out the cut dough.

Oliver's getting big enough that he was able to watch some of the goings on from this bouncer.

Madeline now has assigned him a lengthy pet name: Cootchie Coo Woolly Boo.  As in, "Where's Cootchie Coo Woolly Boo Beetle Oliber?"

While we were making cookies, snow was falling.  Today Madeline played in the snow.

She tried to pelt me with snowballs but they kept sticking to her gloves.

So instead she resigned herself to eating snow.

She also decided we should make a snow penguin, but shortly thereafter changed course and decided her hands were too cold to do anything.  We managed to complete this little penguin quickly (I ran back out to add the carrot beak) but weren't able to get to some of the other fun stuff we'd been talking about -- like trying out the sled she's been waiting months to use!

Well, this is New England, after all.  I don't think this weekend's is the last snowfall we'll see this winter.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rolling over, museum, Christmas tree

I forgot to mention in that last post that over Thanksgiving weekend, Oliver mastered the art of rolling over.  Now it's all he wants to do.  We set him out on a blanket and he goes back-to-front-to-back-to-front ...

... then stays propped up on his tummy to watch what's going on.

Saturday, Madeline happily wore her new Irish sweater from Nanny and Pop Pop.

She also really wanted to go to Providence's Natural History Museum.  So we decided to meet up with Ilan and his family there.

When they were happy, the kids ran amok.

But unfortunately, Madeline spent much of the trip somewhere on the spectrum from whining to tantrum.  "No that's NOT a turkey; it's a BIRD!!!"

Today was much better.  We went down to Clarks Christmas Tree Farm in Tiverton just like last year and the year before.  This year it was cold.  Oliver snuggled into the wrap.

And Madeline kept warm by trying to sneak up on this chicken.

We visited the goats, horse, and other chickens too.  Madeline got to pet the goats, which made her giddy.

Then she wanted to "hide" among the trees.

Despite the cold, Oliver had a good time too (for a while at least).

Madeline wondered at this weird fungusy thing she found.

Instead of that, though, we left with a tree.

Later, it was tree-trimming time.  Oliver was in a jolly mood.

And Madeline "helped" hang ornaments by trying to remove all the animalian ones and hoard them so she could take them to bed with her later.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Last weekend: Delaware to Rhode Island

Here's last week, continued...

Saturday Madeline visited the Maclary Elementary playground.  She enjoyed the swings, but wanted it to be warmer.

And here is a misleading photo of one of Oliver's rare moments spent napping in the pack-and-play.

This is more characteristic: gnawing on grandma.

Sunday morning, Madeline and I took a walk in the woods.

She was interested in these seeds: tuliptree and beech.

Madeline and I came back just in time for Anna and Neal and baby Mira to arrive for a quick visit.  We swapped babies for a bit ...

... and then the little ones got to hang out together.

Monday we returned home.  We managed to find a rest stop with a toddler-sized play space.  Madeline loved it.  And Oliver loved watching her through the bubble-window.

We made it into Connecticut before making a second stop -- a planned one -- at New Canaan Nature Center.

The nature center looks like it'll be a rest stop staple.  Madeline had great fun on the children's playground especially.  Among other things, she wondered at these chestnut husks all over the ground.

She climbed up in a wooden birds' nest.

And she visited the goats and chickens.

Oliver did well too (though he was scared of the chickens).

And from there to home was an easy ride.

Here's a selection of stories Madeline has told us recently:

"Harrison and Jack told me I'm trash and said they'd put me in the garbage!  But I said 'I'm not trash; I'm a person.'  And they laughed.  They were nice garbagemen."

"I don't want Alyssa to be fresh.  If she's fresh, the monsters will eat her and then they'll go to the moon.  And the monsters will say, 'Don't be fresh!'  And the moon will say, 'Don't be fresh!'"

"'Are you being fresh, bears?' 'Yes,' said the bears. 'Why are you being fresh?' And they zoomed into space!"

Monday, December 2, 2013


On Thursday, Oliver was ready for Thanksgiving!

Madeline was excited too.  She spent much of her time in Delaware happily playing with Legos with various combinations of family members.

Before the main event, Oliver was happy some more.

We gathered at Nanny and Pop Pop's house.

The evening was a blur.  Madeline reveled in the company.

Surprisingly, Oliver was not quite as sure how to handle the whole situation.  His smiles were not nearly as forthcoming as usual.  He even cried.

Happily, he was able to sleep some.

And Madeline managed to enjoy her dinner quite fully this year, including this delicious coconut cake made by Aunt Meg for Pop Pop's birthday!

Friday morning, we had brunch at Uncle David and Aunt Linda's house.  Madeline made herself at home.

Later on Friday, there was relaxation.

Well, there's never really relaxation when Madeline is up and about.

To be continued...