Friday, July 6, 2012

Afternoon in Bristol

This afternoon we went to Bristol.  We started at the British Beer Co., where Madeline said "no no no!" to hot chowder but very much enjoyed lukewarm chowder.

Then we walked back to the car.

At some point, Madeline switched her hand-holders.

We spent most of our afternoon at Blithewold.  Madeline investigated everything -- flowers, pebbles, leaves -- closely.

She enjoyed being up in the trees ...

... and down under them, too.  She acknowledged that trees are tall.

She also set up camp in the roots of this particularly large tree and said "no no no!" to our efforts to get her to leave.

Eventually, though, we succeeded and moved on to other attractions, like this bench near a stand of bamboo.

After posing with her grandparents, Madeline posed with her Uncle Marc.

Then she spent a while enjoying this fountain.

Soon enough, though, Madeline was ready for more adventuring.

So, after pursuing some frogs in a pond, we went down to the bay ...

... and everyone was happy (if also hot and sweaty).

Marc and Madeline found a couple of chairs overlooking the bay, and they played there with seashells.

This made Madeline happy.

On the ride home, though, Madeline wasn't so happy.  Instead, she was sleepy and cranky.  Back at home, a cup of ice and a quesadilla with berries on the side helped her get back to zen before bedtime.

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