Saturday, February 11, 2012

Birthday party

This morning when Madeline woke up, she found she had extra people to play with.  Grandma and grandpa were there, full of smiles and hugs.  But the most exciting of all was uncle Alex, who she hadn't seen (except for a few bleary-eyed minutes last night) since she was two months old!  She showed him what sorts of things go on outside her favorite looking-window.

Around midday some more guests showed up: Heiða, Bjorn, and Alexander.  They brought Madeline a present that she scooted her way across the room to scope out.

Why the present?  It's almost Madeline's first birthday!

Summer made an amazing cake totally from scratch.  (Here's the recipe.)

Madeline was a bit confused -- what was this so-called cake with the little fire on it?

We all sang her "Happy Birthday" while she tried to sort everything out.

She tasted the cake ...

... and found that it was good!


Summer also had the idea of introducing Madeline to bubbles.

Madeline was enthralled.

But most exciting of all: Madeline really and truly walked today (no doubt inspired by her friend Alexander).

(With walking comes the occasional tumble, of course.)

We couldn't quite get a good video, but here are a few steps at least:

Soon everyone was tired, so Heiða, Bjorn, and Alexander headed home.  But Madeline still had some excitement to come: gifts from grandma and grandpa (including the classic Fisher-Price farm) ...

... and Julia stopped by to visit, and there were yet more gifts, and, amazingly, Madeline made it through this action-packed day with very little fussing.  It was a happy, happy day.

(And, for those who may be concerned, she seems to be over her illness.)


  1. So glad to see her feeling well again. What a nice party! Reminds me of her Father's first birthday...only think of spaghetti instead of icing. Great pictures, they really capture her spirit...and walking too. As always I love the little "movies" and enjoyed watching her bounce in time with the singing. Thanks so much! xo N

  2. Happy Birthday Madeline!!!! Can't believe it's gone by so fast! Let's get these girls together sometime soon!
