Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow day!

Today we got lots of snow.  In the morning Madeline bounced around the apartment and then took a nap.

Around midday we headed to Save the Bay HQ to count seals.  Madeline wasn't sure what to make of the snow-covered car.

She was even less sure what to make of the snow itself.

The way it stuck to my gloves was pretty neat.


But again there were no seals, and it turns out snow is pretty cold.  So we retreated to the warmth of the car.  Hooray!

Madeline liked observing the snow from a safe vantage.

Back at home, though, we took her out to walk in the stuff.

She sat down and stuck her hand in it; this, it turns out, was not so fun.

So back inside, where it's warm, we went.

We did venture out again this evening for dinner with Heiða, Bjorn, and Alexander.  Madeline so loves her friend.    She wasn't sure, though, about going to bed in a strange place -- she lasted a couple of hours, but after that we had to head for home.

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