Saturday, November 12, 2011

El Yunque y adios, Puerto Rico

Today it was time to check out of our hotel and leave Puerto Rico.  But between the two, we had business to take care of.

First, rent a car.  I requested a compact and got this:

Madeline was confused.

Second, go to the rainforest, El Yunque. 

The rainforest sells lunch; who knew?

Its visitor center was excitement enough for Madeline ...

... but we wanted to get out and about a bit.

On the La Mina trail, we took a group picture that kind of works (except I look maniacal, but oh well, what are you going to do?).

The rainforest is pretty.

For much of the hike, Madeline clung to me like a baby monkey.

At the end of the trail: La Mina falls.

And another attempt at a group picture.

The trek to the falls was all downhill, and we took a somewhat leisurely pace.  The return voyage was, as you've no doubt already concluded, all uphill.  Nevertheless, we seemed to be going twice as fast as before.  I suppose that's because we had a plane to catch.

Anyway, we made it back to the trailhead!

And got ready to hit the road again.

The drive winds through the mountains and, from time to time, overlooks the ocean.  It's quite nice.

I thought I'd left a Lockart-like window of time before our flight: we arrived at the airport two-and-a-half hours before our flight was to leave.  But it turns out the rental-car outfit's airport office isn't actually at the airport, so we had to find that.  And it turns out that in Puerto Rico you have to have your bags preemptively scanned before checking in.  And between juggling all our stuff, working with the gate agent to try to get not only seats together but also a seat for Madeline's car seat if possible, and trying to find food, we actually boarding two boarding-groups late.

The flight itself, though, was again uneventful.  And rather than try the late-night two-hour drive home after coming from a time zone an hour ahead of here, we've found ourselves a lovely airport hotel where I will be going to bed imminently.

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