There were more spots this morning, so Madeline got to take a super-fun trip to the clinic. The doctor said the spots look like allergy-related hives and not anything to worry about. So we're giving her more Benadryl and hoping it helps the spots go away. In the meantime, we can't figure out what caused the reaction, though we've formulated various theories (mine involving her crawling on the living room rug).
In the meantime, Madeline's still very happy and, at least apparently, not at all itchy.

Madeline went to daycare for the afternoon and had a reportedly "GREAT!" time. Indeed, the good mood carried her through dinner, where she loved her guacamole ...

... and serenaded her sippy cup (do doo DOO do da da!). She even got it to whistle by blowing in it.

After dinner, though, came an even bigger shock than her good-mood-and-non-itchyness-despite-unsightly-hives: hanging out with Summer in baby jail, Madeline stood without assistance. Several times. For seconds at a time. And each time, she was clutching her wooden hammer, which just made the whole scene even more surreal. The event was hard to capture, but in this picture you can see her right arm's a blur -- because she's waving the hammer up and down.

Even knowing how strong Madeline is, I'm not sure I would have believed it if I hadn't seen it. Summer, though, is not as surprised; she says Madeline has been practicing this skill by climbing on her every morning from 5 to 7 or so.
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