Madeline had a happy Fri-day but not so happy Fri-night. Again, naps were key.
I tried to entertain Madeline during the day while Summer got some work done. When Madeline got hungry, I'd pass her off and try to do a little work myself. This seemed to go fairly smoothly. Here's Madeline against a backdrop of some program that lets Summer play with the little letters in DNA.

Aside from eating, Madeline checked out the front porch and the yard with me -- our snap peas and greens are sprouting! -- and we sang songs. "I've Been Working on the Railroad," one of my childhood favorites, now almost always elicits a big smile, and sometimes Madeline makes coo-and-gurgle noises along with the song. Also, she spent some more time in the vibrating chair, where she played with such age-appropriate toys as the sunglasses my law school gave me after I attended a function for admitted students.
This was all made possible by plenty of morning sleep -- her nighttime sleep ran uninterrupted into morning nap number one, leading to a very bright-eyed, awake, and happy Madeline around 10 AM. Then a late-morning nap allowed for early afternoon happiness. But the afternoon nap never quite came.
These intermittencies gave way to mostly-constant crying around the time we finished dinner. Because the cries were still intercut with some feeding and sleep cues (the serene moments, however, were no more), Summer took it on herself to try to nurse Madeline to sleep. Finally, this worked, but alas! Friday night was gone. Hooray for the beautiful day, anyway.

Oh, how we tried! I rocked Madeline to sleep in my arms, but as soon as I ever-so-gently began to put her down (shame on me) she awoke with a start. Further arm-rocking efforts failed. Tummy time didn't tire her out. Next came the wrap-and-walk, usually a sure bet. And, sure enough, she slept, but not enough. For most of our walk to and from Wayland Square she remained wide-eyed, nodding off only for brief spells.
As happens under these circumstances, Madeline's evening involved intermittent shouts, feeding and sleep cues, and serene moments (pictured).

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