Friday, June 26, 2015


Two weeks ago, Madeline made herself into a Duplo queen, complete with crown and scepter.

And a squirrel rested on the library.

Madeline has been enjoying caterpillars.  She said this one loved her!

Oliver continues to be his adorable self.

Two weekends ago, Nanny and Pop Pop arrived for the first of two consecutive weekend visits!

The kiddos loved it.

But the visit was short -- they arrived Saturday and had to leave Sunday.  So Sunday afternoon we visited the garden.

Then the week proceeded like normal ...

... smiles and all.

Last Wednesday, Oliver turned 22 months old!

He celebrated by reading to Madeline.

The next evening, Madeline got an unexpected visit from Nory!

Then, last Friday, Oliver played with Duplos adorably.

And that just leaves us with the intervening week to catch up on...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

End of May, visit from Matt, end of the school year!

The last Friday in May was Field Day for Madeline at school.  There was a "jewel hunt" ...

... an obstacle course (not pictured), and a (non-competitive) relay race.

The next day, bright and early, we headed to Boston to pick up Uncle Matt from the airport.  The kiddos were excited!

We made it home and Matt tried to avoid passing out from jetlag while the kiddos played with Duplos.

Eventually, he succumbed.  But later that day we made it to our garden plot and the popular adjacent playground.

The next day, Matt showed off his technology for a couple of appreciative kiddos.

Then we geared up for a voyage ...

... to the east east bay, where we visited the Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge ...

... and then got delicious clams and lobster rolls at Evelyn's.

Once the school week rolled around, we returned to our usual past-times of making ridiculous faces ,,,

... raiding the fridge ...

... and generally hanging out.

Matt helped with school pickup ...

... and found himself the target of Oliver hugs.

But then he had to return to Oregon.

The kiddos spent the rest of the weekend doing typical kiddos things: napping on the kitchen floor ...

... finding caterpillars ...

... making silly faces ...

... and general mayhem.

Then it was back to school for Madeline's last few days -- in fact, yesterday was her very last day of Nursery!  What a whirlwind the school year has been.

And now comes the new experience for us of figuring out our very first kiddo summer vacation!