Thursday, January 31, 2013


Yesterday, there was a bug in our kitchen.

We escorted it out into the front yard.

Tonight, Madeline played with a cupcake and wore her Ned the Neuron t-shirt to bed.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Ilan and cookies

Yesterday Ilan came to visit.  We had brunch and then Ilan and Madeline played all over the house.  Tamar pushed them in Madeline's car.

And Ilan and Madeline romped around on the guest bed.

But soon it was naptime and Ilan said adieu.  After Madeline's nap, she and I took a walk to the grocery store.  We got ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.

For the rest of the evening, Madeline mostly played with her house and accouterments, among other things, putting people in tubes.

I didn't get around to making the cookies until after Madeline was asleep.

Today Madeline got to eat the cookies -- yum!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Brunch, seals, and Lea

Thursday and Friday, not much happened.

Today, we paid an overdue visit to Olga's for brunch.

We also continued our seal count.  The total still stands at zero.

Madeline received many tickles.

And this afternoon, we paid a visit to Lea.  First, Madeline and Lea played together in a blanket fort.  Madeline played with a mermaid while Lea serenaded us on the recorder.

They also had hot cocoa together.

And they read books and played with toys, and play-doh, and crayons and markers, and all kinds of things.  Most of all, they had fun!

And there will be more fun tomorrow, when Ilan comes over to play.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Second-Christmas weekend

Saturday, Grandma Susy and Grandpa John and Uncle Alex came to visit!  They brought second-Christmas presents for an appreciative Madeline, who loves playing with her new house ...

... and with Horton the elephant.

Yesterday, we continued playing with Horton and the house.

Then we walked to the playground, where Grandma and Madeline went for a swing!

The troops marched across the playground ...

... for a snack break.  Clementines, mmm.

It was a fun day.

Today, Madeline was ready for more fun.

Sock-hands Madeline and Grandpa watched through the windows as Grandma and I mounted bird feeders.

The morning went by quickly, and before long it was time for the Greene grandparents to return to Delaware ahead of the snow (falling as I type).  They gave Madeline a big kiss ...

... and then my camera battery died.  Alas.  It was a fun weekend, with plenty of laughing and singing and general merriment.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Four quiet days

Madeline has gone four days without having her picture taken -- a record, I think, and perhaps not a bad one.  All has been well, save that she no longer likes baths for some reason we can't figure out.

In any event, the dearth of news and pictures should be remedied this weekend, as the Greene grandparents and Uncle Alex are coming to town for a visit!

Monday, January 14, 2013

23 months old!

Yesterday Madeline looked cute but I looked weird.

Julia was on her way back out of town at the tail end of a visit to finish up some work in her PhD lab, so we got pho before saying another farewell.  Madeline only had eyes for this huge, weird fish.

Today, Madeline turned 23 months old!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

On the mend

So it turns out that Summer got some good pictures on Thursday.  You can see Madeline was on the mend.

But she still had a fever, so we kept her home Friday too.  Friday she had a normal temperature and energy level (albeit with a bit more fussiness than usual) -- she's doing much better.

So today we went on adventures!  It was the first day of our second annual seal-counting, and our two-year tally still stands at zero.  Madeline didn't mind, though.

We also ran some errands, made it home for naptime (which Summer and I used to patch grout in our downstairs bathroom), and then went on an Ikea excursion.  Madeline helped plan our visit.

By the time we got home, it was very late and Madeline was very sleepy.  Tomorrow will, we hope, be a quieter day (though I might have to spend some time in the office to make up for Madeline's weekday care).

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Somewhat better

Today Summer stayed home with Madeline, whose temperature was lower and her spirits higher than they were yesterday.  She was not totally well, but certainly seemed to be on the mend.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Home sick

The last two days were uneventful and featured no pictures.

Today, however, Madeline woke up sniffly and coughing.  She didn't have a fever and seemed happy enough so we brought her in, but she didn't even make it an hour at daycare before her temperature had risen and her mood dropped.  So I picked her up and brought her home.

Poor little kiddo.

She didn't really want to do anything but remain physically attached to me.  So we spent the day cuddling on the couch and watching Dinosaur Train episodes.

Her temperature was still high at bedtime, so tomorrow she'll likely be home with Summer.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekend with kiddos

Yesterday, Madeline played with lots of friends.  In the morning, she met up with Ilan at the Rochambeau library.

And in the afternoon, she played with a bunch of the children from our prenatal group, most of whom we hadn't seen in over a year.  It was too dark to get decent pictures -- Desmond and Iré are just blurry smudges of color -- but one picture of Madeline and Lea turned out alright.

Today was mostly low key.  Summer made French toast, we did some cleaning, Madeline played with her house and her zoo, and the sun shone on us.

Now the weekend is coming to an end, and tomorrow we're back to the workweek.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fire trucks and funny faces

My computer is about to run out of juice, so I'll be brief.

Wednesday morning we were parked in by firetrucks for some reason.  Then they left, and Madeline made her triumphant return to school.

Thursday was pretty uneventful.

This evening Madeline and I made funny faces in the bathroom mirror.

I guess she just looks happy in both pictures, but she was making funny faces too, I swear.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Snow romping in the new year

Yesterday Madeline joined me for a brief stint at work.  She liked my office.

And she got some work done too.

Back at home, Madeline made a beeline for our snow shovel -- she wanted to help.

And she wanted to play with Petey -- she'd missed him on our travels.

After a nap, Madeline played with her new toy sandwiches.

Today was not just the start of a new year but also a holiday, and there was still lots of snow for Madeline to play with.  So we squeezed her into this perhaps too-small snowsuit along with her tiger hat and reindeer gloves.  She was excited!

There was much playing in the snow.

Sometimes, Madeline was serious.

Other times, she was giddy.

And together, we made a weird little snow-reindeer.

Inside afterward, we had hot chocolate and leftover pizza.

Madeline continues to be quite the little character.  We had pork tenderloin for dinner, which she first transmuted into "tender lion" and then: "I like eating sea lion!"  And one of her favorite things to do now is talking in a deep voice while making this face:

She truly is a silly kiddo.